To Do in Tucson

Couple hiking some rugged terrain around Tucson.
Couple hiking some rugged terrain around Tucson.

Packing List

There are a wide variety of outdoor activities in and around Tucson, so first and foremost make sure you have footwear that can handle lots of walkaround sightseeing in town, as well as trail and hiking boots, if so inclined. Casual is the norm, so no need for formal attire.


Winter in Tucson can be chilly, even dipping into the 30s. Pack jeans or long pants, lightweight long-sleeve blouses, coats, gloves, scarves, a jacket and a hat. Because daytime temperatures can get warm, also pack shorts and T-shirts just to be ready.


Summer in Tucson can obviously be scorching hot. Bring tank tops, T-shirts, flip-flops, shorts, a wide-brimmed hat, sunscreen, sunglasses and a swimsuit. If traveling to the surrounding mountain areas, bring along a jean jacket, tennis shoes for hiking and perhaps a bandana for sun protection. The cowboy heritage of many of these town makes cowboy boots and hats very appropriate.


In spring, be prepared for weather that can bring intermittent showers, dry periods or even snow in the mountainous regions. Bring both long pants and shorts. A light sweater or sweatshirt, flip-flops as well as tennis shoes also make a wise addition to your luggage. An umbrella will ensure that you are prepared for sudden showers.

And finally, drink lots and lots of water.

(Image copyright: creatista / 123RF Stock Photo)